Well, I'm not going to Beat around the Bishop on this one, folks...I enjoyed today's lecture on 'That Thing We Don't Discuss'; I would have liked to see whether any females (other than myself) would have raised their hand if asked whether they had masturbated (oooh, I just said a dirty word!) within the past week.
I would have willingly admitted to 'pleasuring myself' on a daily basis if asked - yes, really! Most women I know, all of my female friends in fact, deny ever masturbating - they just blush and say "Ugh, no I don't do THAT!" Yeah right, like I believe you anyway...why deny it? It's fun, it's free, and it makes you feel great!
Men, on the other hand, (see what I did there? Wow, I'm good...hehe) are generally quite open about jerking off. The amount of times I've been sitting in halls with my male floormates and they've announced their intentions of going to "choke the chicken" before a night out, it's astonishing but not uncommon. Yet if I announce my intentions at doing the same, (not that I have a chicken to choke, ladies and gentlemen) which I did during freshers week, I can expect to have them banging on my (locked) bedroom door and sending me links to the vibrator pages on annsummers.com via msn...amusing, u may think and yeah, it is funny now but at the time I ended up getting rather agitated...I mean, come on, how do you expect me to focus on THAT when I have hormonal, horny guys banging on my door?!
But anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that it's far more socially acceptable for guys to do it - or is it just more acceptable for them to admit to doing it? Moving along now to sex toys...it's far more acceptable for a woman, whether in a sexually active relationship or not, to own a vibrator (ladies, I recommend The Rampant Rabbit Thruster http://www.annsummers.com/single.asp?gid=7&cat=2&pid=3158 ) than for a man to own a Fleshlight http://www.fleshlight.co.uk/ Seriously, you will be disgusted if you click on that last link; you have been warned!
I wonder why this is - maybe because people are finally beginning to grasp the notion that women don't always need a man to make them orgasm, that women are actually more capable of pleasuring themselves alone (and no, before you even begin to ponder, I'm not a lesbian man-hater). I have grown used to satisfying my sexual appetite by myself as I'm in a long-distance relationship and don't get to see my boyfriend that often...but hey! That's why God invented Ann Summers!
Also, to TOUCH on the issue from a religious perspective, when I was still a practising Christian, my boyfriend at the time (who was also a Christian) asked the pastor of our church whether masturbating was wrong, as the Bible is silent on this point. He replied that the actual act of masturbation isn't wrong but the thoughts that are present in your mind as you do it can be sinful. To be frank, this confused me as I believe you can't masturbate without having 'dirty thoughts' in your mind - it's those thoughts that turn you on, right?
So to conclude, masturbation is GOOD! You won't get hairy palms and a hunchback if you do it. If that was the case I'd look like Quasimodo by now...
I would have willingly admitted to 'pleasuring myself' on a daily basis if asked - yes, really! Most women I know, all of my female friends in fact, deny ever masturbating - they just blush and say "Ugh, no I don't do THAT!" Yeah right, like I believe you anyway...why deny it? It's fun, it's free, and it makes you feel great!
Men, on the other hand, (see what I did there? Wow, I'm good...hehe) are generally quite open about jerking off. The amount of times I've been sitting in halls with my male floormates and they've announced their intentions of going to "choke the chicken" before a night out, it's astonishing but not uncommon. Yet if I announce my intentions at doing the same, (not that I have a chicken to choke, ladies and gentlemen) which I did during freshers week, I can expect to have them banging on my (locked) bedroom door and sending me links to the vibrator pages on annsummers.com via msn...amusing, u may think and yeah, it is funny now but at the time I ended up getting rather agitated...I mean, come on, how do you expect me to focus on THAT when I have hormonal, horny guys banging on my door?!
But anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that it's far more socially acceptable for guys to do it - or is it just more acceptable for them to admit to doing it? Moving along now to sex toys...it's far more acceptable for a woman, whether in a sexually active relationship or not, to own a vibrator (ladies, I recommend The Rampant Rabbit Thruster http://www.annsummers.com/single.asp?gid=7&cat=2&pid=3158 ) than for a man to own a Fleshlight http://www.fleshlight.co.uk/ Seriously, you will be disgusted if you click on that last link; you have been warned!
I wonder why this is - maybe because people are finally beginning to grasp the notion that women don't always need a man to make them orgasm, that women are actually more capable of pleasuring themselves alone (and no, before you even begin to ponder, I'm not a lesbian man-hater). I have grown used to satisfying my sexual appetite by myself as I'm in a long-distance relationship and don't get to see my boyfriend that often...but hey! That's why God invented Ann Summers!
Also, to TOUCH on the issue from a religious perspective, when I was still a practising Christian, my boyfriend at the time (who was also a Christian) asked the pastor of our church whether masturbating was wrong, as the Bible is silent on this point. He replied that the actual act of masturbation isn't wrong but the thoughts that are present in your mind as you do it can be sinful. To be frank, this confused me as I believe you can't masturbate without having 'dirty thoughts' in your mind - it's those thoughts that turn you on, right?
So to conclude, masturbation is GOOD! You won't get hairy palms and a hunchback if you do it. If that was the case I'd look like Quasimodo by now...
"I mean, come on, how do you expect me to focus on THAT when I have hormonal, horny guys banging on my door?!"
Maybe you could bang on their door while they were 'choking the chicken'
"But anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that it's far more socially acceptable for guys to do it - or is it just more acceptable for them to admit to doing it? Moving along now to sex toys...it's far more acceptable for a woman, whether in a sexually active relationship or not, to own a vibrator (ladies, I recommend The Rampant Rabbit Thruster http://www.annsummers.com/single.asp?gid=7&cat=2&pid=3158 ) than for a man to own a Fleshlight http://www.fleshlight.co.uk/ "
I looked on that site, that's slightly weird but each to their own!!!! I think it's just more acceptable for men to admit to doing it and I also think it's more acceptable for woman to need/want a little help.
Cracking post, you have a strong point of view. I'm just going to comment on the penultimate paragraph about the religious perspective as that's where my point of view stems from. What you said sounds right to me, surely to masturbate you must have 'sinful' thoughts or lustful thoughts of someone else, this is the moral stand point of those who think it is wrong as the bible teaches that lust is wrong and we should keep our thoughts clean.
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